Tuesday, April 21, 2020

"The Logical Triangle of Creation and Intelligent Design"

Perhaps an Unknown Fact:  No two things in life have ever been 100% identical nor ever should be (this includes living beings as well as non-living things {any person place or thing}; even if they fit the true definition of the word *same* or the true definition of of the word •identical•).

Everything in creation is generally identified as either being the *same* or being °different°

(The words "same" and "similar" do not mean the same thing in truth, and can be used out of context or used inaccurately.   Same and similar may be used (loosely) & interchangeably as a rough generalization, but "very similar" and "practically the same" should be used for more accuracy.

Things that are *similar° to one another may share elements of *commonality* but should not typically, if ever, be referred to as "being the same".  Sameness should be defined by the quantity and the degrees of °differences° that exist, as well as the number of convergences of commonality.

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